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Immediate planting

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With the development and maturity of dental implant technology, more and more patients with missing teeth have begun to pay attention to dental implants. There is an immediate implant in the implant technology that allows you to grow your teeth as soon as you pull your teeth, keeping the patient away from the pain of missing teeth. But not all people are suitable for immediate planting, so what are the requirements for immediate dental implants?

Doing immediate planting requires attention to five points

1. Conventional planting is carried out after the completion of bone healing in the extraction socket. It is planted immediately in the fresh extraction socket and can be carried out under conditions of good alveolar condition and no inflammation. The implant used must be coarse.

2, immediate dental implants make the implant stable in the fresh extraction socket, because the shape of the extraction socket is irregular, not necessarily suitable for the shape of the implant, which requires us to select the appropriate implant at the time of planting, so that the implant Try to stay stable. Appropriate filling bone chips or artificial bone can be placed in the gap between the implant and the alveolar bone.

3, to do immediate implants requires the patient's physical health, oral health is good, if there is diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, blood disease, etc. should be suspended surgery, periodontal disease must be well treated before manual implants.

4, the gum bone should have a certain width and height, because the general artificial nail is 10-14 mm long and the diameter is 3-4.5 mm. If the bone of the dental bed is not wide and high, the implant should be considered before the bone graft.

5, in the extraction of teeth should pay attention to reduce the bone damage of the extraction, while removing the periodontal ligament tissue, which is also a key issue for long-term success. When there is acute inflammation, it is not suitable for immediate implantation after tooth extraction; chronic inflammation requires debridement, inflammation removal and dental implant surgery.